White Privilege

(1) To be considered "normal", "one of us" and "belonging here" in western countries.
(2) Not being asked where you really are from.
(3) Not having to see people wear your culture's ceremonial clothes/items / play religious instruments / perform religious practices in general as part of their free time activities or -worse- as a "joke".
(4) Not being called "overreacting" or "oversensitive" when you point out and insist that something is racist.
(5) People expect to be able to and try to pronounce your name correctly.
(6) People don't fucking mess with your hair.
(7) Not being asked extremely personal and inappropriate questions by strangers about "your culture".
(8) Not being told "For one of them you are really nice / exception to the rule".
(9) As a woman, not having to clarify for strangers that you are actually not totally oppressed.
(10) Not being excluded from certain activities / withheld certain food items because of people's assumptions about what you are allowed to do/eat because of "your" culture or "your" religion.
(11) Not having to explain why you eat pork / drink alcohol / ... although "you are not allowed to".
(12) Not having to see people on Halloween dress themselves up as someone who supposedly belongs to your culture in a repulsive, stereotypical way .
(13) Not being talked to in strange, grammatically-wrong half sentences, ignoring your language level or whether you are actually talking in your mother tongue.
(14) Not being targeted for checks by police / in public transport solely because of your skin color.
(15) Not being asked to explain "your" culture to all and everyone.
(16) As a woman, not being labeled as totally prude/slutty because of your supposed origin.
(17) As a man, not being labeled as sexually aggressive / a sexual predator by default.
(18) Not facing income inequalities / less chances to get a job at all based on your skin color.
(19) Not facing the impossible task to explain (and be heard) why cultural appropriation is awful.
(20) Not having to talk to "surprised" people because "You don't act like all the people from * do."

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